lowkey i stan crump. i also do a 5,000 piece jigsaw puzzles and meet friends at the grocery store. the representation we need <3 i do rec getting into bookbinding coz its actually quite healing if you made stuff like this at school since you get to work with your hands and you can revel in how youve (even marginally) improved in your fine motor control. i also got into trouble distributing comics around school but that was mostly because i "employed" my classmates to create copies and "paid" them in fake money LOL
lowkey i stan crump. i also do a 5,000 piece jigsaw puzzles and meet friends at the grocery store. the representation we need <3 i do rec getting into bookbinding coz its actually quite healing if you made stuff like this at school since you get to work with your hands and you can revel in how youve (even marginally) improved in your fine motor control. i also got into trouble distributing comics around school but that was mostly because i "employed" my classmates to create copies and "paid" them in fake money LOL