Bruiser published 2 of my poems last week, which was a cool surprise. They don’t do acceptance or rejection emails, so basically you submit some stuff and wait a few weeks to see if it shows up.
These poems are a fun little rage duo, which is kind of new for me! I’ve done a fair amount of cheeky anger, Buzzfeed-ass wink-wink peace-sign anger. But the less funny, garden variety rage is not what I usually submit.
When I wrote these a while back, I was thinking a lot about anger and pain (cute!) and the expectation of utility surrounding both. You hear it often when people talk about art or organizing or a particular brand of TikTok personal development. Get angry! Make something of it! Channel that [anger/pain/unmarketable feeling] to do xyz!
This messaging was particularly prevalent among the Instagram pseudo-activism during Texas’s 88th legislative session. Get angry! the illustrated Corporate Memphis she/her told me in the 8-slide carousel posted to someone’s story. Write your representatives!
Girl, we did. I was jealous of these people who needed guidance to muster enough anger to send one prefilled email. For the rest of us, wtf were we supposed to do with all that was left over?
So one of these poems is a PR memo gone wrong, and the other features my overdramatic connective tissue. 2 sides of an angwy little patinaed coin! A scrambling up and a straightening out. The overall vibe of Bruiser is kind of fight clubby, kind of Salty Spitoon, so I think it was a good fit.
btw, the coffee shop is Summer Moon, and their marquee is currently, blessedly, blank.
Other people’s poems I like!
What I Said to God by Chinua Ezenwa-Ohaeto
ode to that little ceramic reindeer my mother painted green & red by Millie Tullis
This barcode poem by @RIBENGO
Weather is fake, autumn is a state of mind, and I am having a great time. Here are some seasonal items I’ve consumed and recommend:
When Harry Met Sally
Ginger cookies
Ginger almond cookies
Silver Linings Playbook
The new Hozier album